Help:Troubleshooting/Plugin Troubleshooting

From Junk-Store

Welcome to the Junk-Store Troubleshooting Wiki Page![edit source]

Encountering issues with Junk-Store? You're in the right place! Here, you'll find solutions to common problems and guidance on resolving technical hiccups you might encounter while using our plugin.

If you're facing a specific issue, browse through the troubleshooting tips below to find a solution. Can't find what you're looking for? Don't worry! Our community is here to help. Head over to our reddit community at r/JunkStore or join our discord server for further assistance.

Let's get your Junk-Store experience back on track!

My game works on Heroic or Lutris but not on Junk-Store.[edit source]

Games can be made to work on Junk-Store if they currently work in Heroic or Lutris. It is just a matter of finding the right tweaks to get them working. If a game you are wanting to play isn't working in Junk-Store try the latest version of ProtonGE.

If that doesn't solve the issue, join the discord server and someone will help you there; just be patient as we are not always available.

If you don't have ProtonGE and don't know how to install it:[edit source]

We suggest you install the Wine Cellar from the decky store.

When I launch a game I get sent to a steam page it starts trying to download something, it never gets passed 0%. Any ideas?[edit source]

This is a confirmed as a Steam problem, maybe related to the new Proton 9 runtime. Go to the properties for that game and change to any other Proton version and it should work.

Can't find games in non-Steam tab.[edit source]

Check your settings and make sure the game short-cut is not hidden. After doing this you may need to reboot for it to take effect.

Is there a way I can change the fps?[edit source]

Try this:
  • Go to Junk Store via decky plugin, then go to your game of choice.
  • Click the gear button and select Proton config.
  • Go right to bottom and try changing the frame rate there.

Why does nothing seem to be happening when I try to install dependencies?[edit source]

Firstly, please be patient! Other users who have reported the same issue have come back to say it works after taking a break and trying again later.

This is not a plugin issue, it's something beyond our control. We are speculating that it could be an automatic ddos protection measure that's kicking in because of sudden surge in traffic - or people repeatedly retrying too quickly.

Shortcuts aren't appearing?[edit source]

Firstly, try rebooting as this may solve the issue. If not post in the 'plugin-support' forum in discord.

Do I have to keep Junk-Store open while downloading games from Epic?[edit source]

Yes, you need to keep it open as there is no download queue built in. if you go out it, it will behave unexpectedly.

I don't see any games in my Epic library, or new games aren't showing up.[edit source]

If you are logged in to the correct account then it could be the version you are using. There is a bug in Junk-Store v1.0.1 that is affecting game libraries. Your options are to uninstall v1.0.1 and install v1.0 which should fix the problem, or you could install v1.1 from the testing store.

Note: If you install v1.1 from the testing store you cannot go back to v1.0 as it will make your databases incompatable. So make sure you want to install v1.1.

What are these backend scripts and do I need to install them?[edit source]

The custom backend scripts are sample scripts for using dosbox games.

The nature of them unfortunately means that they will break if the plugin enhances in a way that's not compatible with them. They are not officially supported so they might lag behind the plugin.

How do I unistall the backend scripts for dos and win 3.1?[edit source]

You can delete them from ~/homebrew/data/Junk-Store/scripts/Extensions.