Help:How to guides/Login using OAuth

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How to Login using OAuth (third party authentication)[edit source]

Please follow the steps below if you are wanting to login into your Epic Games account using third party authentication via:

OAuth Login Options
Google Playstaion Lego Nintendo
Xbox Facebook Steam apple

Steps for logging in to Epic[edit source]

For this guide I will be logging into Epic via Google; it will be the same steps for the other third party methods.

1) You will first need to switch to desktop mode. If you don't have an external mouse and keyboard connected you may want to download ***core keyboard*** from the discover store.

2) Open Steam and switch to ***Big Picture Mode***. Big Picture Mode

3) Go into Junk-Store > Games > Epic Tab > Navigate to ***Login***. Login Epic

4) Once the Epic Store Login screen loads, select how you want to login and follow the screen prompts. It will open a browser for you to login with the method you chose. Choose Epic Login Method

5) In this example we have chosen to login via ***Google***. Select ***Continue*** when prompted. Login via Google

6) You will then be taken to a Google sing in screen. Google Sign In

7) Once you have logged in with your user name and password, you will be given another prompt as pictured. Click ***Continue***. Epic Almost Done Prompt

8) You will then be directed to close the browser window and to go back to the Epic Games Launcher. Success Logged In

9) You may be prompted to enter a 2FA code; once entered you will be put back in to ***Big Picture Mode***. 2FA Prompt

10) From here you need to go back to game mode. You'll need to press the Steam button, navigate to Power and then ***Exit Big Picture Mode*** then go to ***Game Mode***.

11) Once you are back in ***Game Mode***: Push on the three dots and go back into Junk-Store > Games. You should now be logged in to your Epic account.

12) Once you have logged in your library should populate, if it hasn't navigate down and select show all by pushing Y and wait for it to populate. Epic Library

  • Make sure you don't have Show Installed selected or something typed in the search box as this will also hide your library.
  • Please note: Any games needing the EA app or Origin will not show up in your library - this is due to lack of support via Epic/Legendary.

13) Now you can install a game to test that it is all working.

  • Please refer to our wiki page on games that are known to work and use one of them also don't go for the biggest, best and brightest game in your library first up.
  • Some games require further tweaks to get working on Steam Deck no matter which method you are using to play them. So best to go for a game that is known to just work. We always recommend Doom64 if you have it. Doom 64

14) Once you have tested Junk-Store with a smaller game and it works then you should be off and running!

Have fun and if you have any issues check out our FAQ and Troubleshooting pages. If you can't find what you are looking for there then jump in discord or on to reddit and have a look there.