Help:Epic Games/Not Working

De Junk-Store

Epic Games that Don't Work[modifica el codi]

Welcome to our comprehensive compilation of Epic Games titles that currently do not function on the Steam Deck or through Junk Store. This curated list serves as a valuable resource for users encountering compatibility issues with specific games. By contributing to this list, you're helping to build a robust repository of information that benefits the entire community. Your insights and contributions play a crucial role in enhancing the user experience and ensuring transparency about game compatibility. Feel free to expand this list by adding any additional titles you encounter or providing insights into troubleshooting methods. Together, let's create a comprehensive resource to aid users in navigating compatibility challenges and optimizing their gaming experiences on the Steam Deck.

Fortnite - won't work until Epic allows it to work. Please stop asking us about it!

Destiny 2 - similar issue to Fortnite, but with Bungi!

Kingdom Hearts Games - don't have a copy to be able to look into this further!


Saints Row 2022

Dead By Daylight

Fortnite[modifica el codi]

Unfortunately, Epic Games does not support Fortnite on Linux. This means our plugin cannot magically enable Fortnite gameplay on SteamOS.

Epic Games' decision stems from their refusal to enable anti-cheat functionality for Linux operating systems.

Please refrain from requesting assistance with Fortnite compatibility on SteamOS, as these requests will not be addressed and may result in suspension or banning.

For more information please read: Fortnite Steam Deck Update - Tim Sweeney

Kingdom Hearts[modifica el codi]

As many of you are aware, this is not a unique issue with Junk-Store.

This is not something that has been tested or investigated as I don't own a copy myself. From what I can gather, it is a significant issue, beyond what I am willing to look into at the moment.

It's important to understand that this incompatibility is not due to any issue with our plugin. Kingdom Hearts, in particular, faces challenges beyond our control, as many gamers have encountered difficulties running it on Linux.

If this is something you are desperate to resolve, please refer to this link for potential solutions:
